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Ignoring thread by subject - figured out how in a roundabout way

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wildflowergardener Donating Member (863 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-08 11:05 PM
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Ignoring thread by subject - figured out how in a roundabout way
Hi. I just figured something out and am posting in case anyone else is interested. I was wishing for a way to ignore posts with a certain word or words in them. I didn't exactly understand the point of ignore thread when I had to click in a thread to find out I didn't want to read it.

Anyway it finally dawned on me that I could do it manually - I did an advanced search of just todays posts with two certain words in them and then I did have to click in each post to ignore it, but I didn't have to read the post itself in order to find out it was about the subject I wasn't interested in reading about. I just searched in the original post - not all the downthreads so there weren't so many.

Then I cleared my ignore people list out - I'd much rather ignore threads then people. This way I don't have to read what I'm not interested in, but people can post to their hearts content about a topic they are interested in.

So far I have not come upon a limit to ignore threads - I don't know if there is one. My main intent is to trim down the greatest page to the topics that interest me. Search by just today does this I think (don't know how long something stays on the greatest page.)

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islandmkl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-26-08 11:14 PM
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1. i typed in 'warren'...and my screen went blank...
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