What makes or breaks the spirit or moral foundation of a nation is the degree to which the criminals who support(ed) things like inhuman torture tactics are tried, convicted and brought to justice.
If Bush, Cheney and their multitude of pathetically obedient, ethically bankrupt minions are not arrested and convicted in the court of United States and/or international law, then the soul of this land's conscience will instead go on trial, to be awarded a slow and gradual death penalty.
That being said, it is the evil monster that such a land becomes that will make future generations wince and cringe with rage that such a lax and corrupt congressional body could even exist.
One that calmly stuffed their pockets with corporate bribes and lobbyist favors to get re-elected, all the while selling off their government's treasury (or citizens' wealth) in the full light of day; in the evenings anesthetizing themselves at cocktail parties to drown out the irritable drone of their conscienceless lives.
David Spero
Palm Springs