in the beginning all was good. the gyroscope spun with perfect balance, and it seemed, even in the world around, nothing would ever stop its powerful momentum. soon, through the misapplication of that which sustains it( human touch), the gyroscope began to spin out of control. certainly, being off balance is not a pleasurable feeling. the gyroscope wanted so badly to return to a time when all was well. so it tried and tried and tried to do all it could to regain balance, and its pleasurable harmonious state. however a gyroscope cannot will itself, it require HUMAN TOUCH. this administration has NO HUMAN TOUCH whatsoever, and is spinning wildly out of control. with hop, we can all realize that the gyroscope will eventually cease its turn, and a diligent hand will surely spin the gyroscope again. it is not the spinning of the gyroscope that is important, rather that we are have the opportunity to spin a gyroscope, and we are here to do so.