While I'm not surprised,I'm a little disappointed.So you know what I'm up against
http://www.thedailylight.com/articles/2009/01/01/opinion/doc495d426911647280308142.txtgregbell wrote on Jan 5, 2009 9:10 AM:
" And the socialism begins..... "
txteacher7 wrote on Jan 4, 2009 9:19 PM:
" I have a question - actually several questions. Where is the government going to get the money to pay for health care for 300 million U.S. residents? From birth to death? What about the millions of illegals that are here? Do they get covered also? Who pays for that? How much will our taxes (mine and yours) go up to pay for all of this? I pay enough as it is, thank you very much. Here's something else to ponder - do you smoke? Drink alcohol? Eat a high fat diet and not exercise? If so, you should change that and see how fast your health care expenses drop. With no help from the government even. (by the way, in the interest of full disclosure, I do not smoke or drink, I do exercise - although not as much as I should, and I am pretty careful about what I eat although I do love pizza and french fries. Just so you know) "
houstonh wrote on Jan 3, 2009 7:03 PM:
" Questions: Once we socialize our medical treatment, what will be the next to go? Maybe our groceries or perhaps our auto maintenance, huh? Would it not be interesting to know what fruitful comments that Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin might have yielded on this topic?
Do we pledge allegiance to this republic, this democracy, or this whatever?
houstonh "
Scott Crouch wrote on Jan 3, 2009 3:42 PM:
" And a little pixie dust and we can all fly. The costs of this wish list will make the national debt look like pocket change. Also, check with these countries that have this wonderful free health care and see how great it is. The grass is not greener on the other side. If everything is so much better everywhere else and so bad here, why are people leaving the other countries to come here and not many are leaving here to go other places? We need to check into details before we yell " Federal Government, come take care of me!". "