Here's a tidbit guaranteed to brighten your day a skosh:
Responding to reports that Obama's team is clearing out the Bushies trying to burrow into the Pentagon (, Billmon at DKos gives the rest of the story on top Pentagon Bushie Jim O'Beirne, the special assistant to the secretary of defense for White House liaisons, who sent around an e-mail whining about how the Obama team didn't make the announcements through him (suddenly fussy about the chain of command):
"Apparently, the President Elect isn’t the new commander in chief, but just "the opposition". So much for that "unifying" transition David Frum’s been yammering about.
But it gets better. O’Beirne’s name should ring a bell among students of the Iraq War fiasco. Husband of National Review columnist and all-around harpie Kate O'Beirne, he was a minor but highly instrumental player in the cabal of neoconservative bureaucrats who helped turn the late, unlamented Coalition Provisional Authority into what I liked to call the RNC branch office on the Tigris."
In other words, Jim O’Beirne did as much as anyone in the US government -- and more than most -- to turn the first few years of the Iraq occupation into a complete clusterfuck, thereby contributing to the deaths of thousands of US troops and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of Iraqi civilians. All for the greater political glory of George W. Bush and the Republican Party. And now he’s throwing a hissy fit because "the opposition" is getting an early start on shoveling the cow crap out of the stable?"
Full diary article at: