First off, I don't think there is anything we can do to stop the war. There is really only one more year until the next election and Bush would get the money elsewhere (hello? The Pentagon budget) all the while saying the defunding or even just the threats to defund are causing us to lose. Leave it Bush's war.
Second, the more we "micro manage" the war, the easier it is for the GOP to make it OUR war. Or worse, our loss. I hate it when some ass says "if the dems had not defunded Vietnam, we could have won" which is a lie BUT I'd rather face that lie 40 years later than in 2008. Cutting off funding or calling for withdrawl by a date certain gives Bush a way out of this war: by blaming us. The way I see it, right now this war cannot be won. We should point that everyday and say "only the president can stop this war. He must do it. Cutting off funding may hurt the troops and setting a date certain gives him free reign to further mismanage this war until that date and still ignore us. Bush needs to end it. Now." Leave it Bush's war. Make him act.
Third, every republican running for 2008 has said: "this war was mismanaged but we should keep at it anyway." We should say: "we can't win, whether it was a bad idea at the start or so badly mismanaged it can't be won now doesn't matter. We need to get out but our GOP brothers are saying even though it is beyond repair we should try to repair it anyway." Make this THEIR war in 2008, not ours.
There are other reasons Dems were put in power in 2006, one of those reasons was oversight and to balance the excesses. The election did get rid of Rumsfeld and get Bush to try something new in Iraq. If/when that doesn't work, we need to say: "we gave you one more chance, you said you made a change, a change you should have made 3 years ago, when will you admit you lost and get out? Our babies are dying over there."
I know they will pin this on us regardless but let's not make it easier.