== Your year of yes =
Mark Morford
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/01/09/notes010909.DTL&nl=fixIs this the year? Is this the one where it all comes together and it all begins to make some sort of strangely cohesive sense, where you really begin to sink into warm pools of calm awareness laced with laughter and love and really healthy teeth, where you finally accomplish or at least begin all those lingering and latent projects you've been craving for so long, like learning to bake orgasmic homemade bread or creating that hyperliterate travel/sex blog or meditating at dawn, all while reminding yourself every single day to tell everyone around you how beautiful and important and luminous they are, and how grateful you are every moment just to be here, sharing space with them, touching the planet, feeling it all, entirely clothing optional?
Or was that last year? And this one can be summed up in two little words: "More Ambien"?
They say 2008 was brutal and fraught, one of the worst on record, enervating and cruel in a thousand snarling ways despite the simply insane and transcendental glory that was the Obama victory. As Will Pitt over at the tough-minded, gray-skied Truthout.org put it, "The year 2008 began on a Tuesday. Matters went downhill swiftly from there." Not sure just how bleak and brutal it was? Don't worry. We have pictures.
They do not stop there. They go on to say 2009 will likely be even worse, more challenging and unnerving despite Obama's cavalry and despite the merciful exit of Bush, the long-overdue removal of that devastating toxin from the collective body. The fiscal collapse will keep right on collapsing. The downturn will keep right on downing. The media meltdown will keep on melting, despite how everyone still wants and even demands top-notch journalism and serious global reportage, but gosh, no one wants to pay for it. ...