Southern California-Based Atheist Group Joins Inauguration Suit
Brian Parra
Director of Communications and Membership Atheists United of Los Angeles has become the first Southern California organization to join the lawsuit, Newdow v. Roberts, asking to prohibit prayers at President-elect Obama’s inauguration. “If ever there was a person who demonstrated the wisdom of our founders in keeping the divisiveness of religion out of our united government, it is the Reverend Rick Warren,” AU President Bobbie Kirkhart said. The suit also asks that Chief Justice John Roberts administer the oath as written in the Constitution, and not add “So help me God,” as recent Chief Justices have done.
The customary prayers were begun in 1937 and have been Christian in nature. “We managed to get through almost 150 years of inaugurations without asking heavenly guidance for our presidents. If George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt could govern without this invocation, I’m betting that Barack Obama will do just fine, even if he keeps his pleas for divine guidance to his more private moments.” Kirkhart commented.
The plaintiffs include 29 local and national groups, as well as some individuals.
Atheists United is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to a three part mission:
· To promote atheism through education and outreach;
· To promote the First Amendment and the separation of government and religion; and
· To create and support a vibrant atheist community.
Established in 1982, AU is one of the largest freethought organizations in the nation and the largest in the Southern California area. As an affiliate of Atheists Alliance International and the Los Angeles Freethought Federation, AU is committed to consolidating the collective efforts of its members to affect change on a local, national and international level to advance the cause of an atheist community, secular government and religious tolerance.