I realize that the this topic is an inflammatory one here on DU, so I accept that many people will disagree with me, I take no offense as I think my solution is a little too radical to ever even be considered. The problem with Civil Unions that has been constantly brought up here is that they constitute a form of segregation, a form of “separate and not really even equal” for Gay couples, and therefore they are unacceptable. I can see the validity of this argument because as long as Civil Unions are only applicable to Same-Sex Unions, they offer no equality at all. In my own opinion Civil Unions should not only be applicable to all, they should be mandatory. Or in other words: GOVERNMENT SHOULD GET OUT OF THE MARRIAGE BUSINESS ALTOGETHER.
The idea of government sanctioned marriage is a relic from times past in which church and state were united as the only legitimizing force, outside of which stood only adultery and fornication (which were, at that time not only considered sins, but prosecutable offenses.) With the advent of separation of these institutions, their respective definitions of marriage have shifted considerably. For the government, marriage has become a contractual obligation between two parties for certain legal, tax and economic benefits. On the other hand, religious groups have defined marriage according to their varied doctrines. Finally many who marry do not do so merely for the legal benefits, nor do they have any particular interest in its religious foundations, they do so because marriage has become the cultural symbol for the deep level of commitment between two people who truly love and care for each other.
As such is the case, it may be argued that there are truly two forms of marriage in the United States at this time: Public marriage, which involves the legal rights, privileges and obligations granted by law, and Private marriage, which consists of the beliefs and values of the two contracting parties. As there is no reason why government should interfere in the latter, why not separate the two altogether. “Marriage” may become a private relationship, in which the two parties, choose to engage, using whatever spiritual, philosophical, religious, or personal ceremony they wish, and it will not be recognized by the government. A “Civil Union” will be the legal rights, privileges, etc. granted in the county offices, which will be available to any two contracting individuals, regardless of their gender.
Under such circumstances, there will be no denial of Same-Sex marriage, for such marriages are already performed by the Unitarian Universalist church, as well as other progressive Protestant denominations. Other religious groups, which currently oppose these marriages on the fears that they will be forced to perform them in violation of their doctrinal tenets, will no longer have that justification, as religious marriage is now a private institution, in which no one can be forced to do anything. At the same time the equal rights which the LGBT community seeks will be granted them, as all couples, Gay or Straight, would have to get a Civil Union in order to receive the legal privileges formerly conferred by marriage. Hence by abolishing marriage as a legal institution, and making it a private institution, while mandating Civil Unions for all, equality may be achieved. I realize that this solution is probably unrealistic in the extreme, and may not be workable. If any of you can enlighten me on this subject, feel free. S. Carton