I recently purchased the book
Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul by Edward Humes (an excellent work which I absolutely recommend), and as I read through it, I felt the urge to read some of the reviews on it at Amazon.com. One, in particular, caught my eye, that of "The Professor." Now, given that the writer's obvious sympathies, that it would be filled with factual errors is without question. And ordinarily, I would have simply dismissed it and moved on. However, I checked out some of his other reviews (
http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/AK8LVV3QIG6SL/ref=cm_cr_auth/104-1313260-1456738), and with each one I felt myself become a little bit more concerned. What has happened in the United States that people can accept such blatantly false "scientific concepts" as Intelligent Design (or, as I like to refer to it, Neo-Creationism), and dismiss Evolution, one of the most important theories in the entire history of human scientific endeavor and the foundation of modern Biology as a "doctrinaire religion put forth by a liberal, secular and atheist priest-hood?"
Perhaps I am just getting too concerned over this. After all, given the defeat ID suffered in Dover, things are not all ‘peaches and cream’ for that movement at this time. But after looking at the reviews of so many pro-ID works online, and after seeing the politicization of Science over the past six years (to the point that people really do seem to be accepting the idea that in the name of “fairness, objectivity, democracy and popular will” you must balance out something that is objectively true with a lie), I just don’t know where we’re headed.