This is the writer in me working over time (and feel free to whip up your own story if you want, I only do sci-fi/fantasy).
I have been wondering all along if Bernard Madoff was allowed to continue his Ponzi scheme, because he was laundering money for some VIP associated with the U.S. government or the Bush/Cheney interests. The list would include the CIA, NSA, NeoCons, any operation that involved the US buying the services of the IDF for a covert assignment. Since McCain lost and the economy cratered, his arrangement with the government would have come to light, inevitably, and so Bush decided to uncover the whole thing in a controlled manner.
Recently, we have learned that anyone who withdrew their money from Madoff's House of Cards (remind you of Enron?) is not safe. Those people can be sued in civil court by the VIPs to whom he owes money, and they can be forced to turn over their money. This could prove embarrassing if it turned out that a lot of Bush/Cheney folks or NeoCons or people associated with the CIA or NSA or foreign governments were withdrawing large sums of money, especially if they did it right before the plug was pulled on Madoff. While the DOJ can control the criminal investigation---and cover up any CIA or NSA dealings with him for national security reasons---they would have a more difficult time controlling civil investigations, especially those being done by foreign debtors such as banks and others who are owed billions and who will stop at nothing to get their money back. These folks will be seriously lawyered up and their countries will put pressure on our government to come clean.
In this situation, it would be best for the US government if Madoff was not around to talk.
Which makes me wonder, did he mail all that jewelry because he secretly wanted to get the judge's attention so that he would wind up in official custody? If he slips in the shower in jail, everyone will suspect the feds. If he slips in the shower at home, they will all call it suicide.
Just my over fertile imagination at work again, but....
I think Madoff needs protective custody only not from our government.