...I don't know about you, but I find that the mountains of paperwork required just to live a standard middle class life is really very burdensome.
We've become so brainwashed that we accept that "individual responsibility" means -- among other things -- that each and every individual has to deal with the myriad mountains of paperwork foisted upon us by every organization that wants a piece of our hide: city, county, state and federal government; banks, insurance companies and credit card companies; utility companies -- all of them can and do change the rules at whim, each of them is free to foist upon us their own idea of terms and conditions, as well as their own billing cycles, as well as associated paperwork and record keeping; and it is up to us, John Q. and Jane Q. Citizen, to just buck up and get with the program -- and God forbid you should miss a payment date or otherwise screw up, because the penalties are punitive even for starters. But it's all a matter of "personal responsibility", dontcha know -- because if you were responsible, you'd have enough money to hire someone to wade through the underbrush for you; and if you do not have that, then it's because you're irresponsible to begin with.
Of course, "personal responsibility" does not extend to being responsible for other people -- for heaven's sake, not! It is only a financial matter. Because after all, that's what life is all about, isn't it! Money money money. As in, money coming out of your pockets and into the pockets of the already-filthy-rich.
The best part about the "personal responsibility" mantra, from the point of view of the rich, the filthy rich and the corporate masters and their mouthpieces, is that it can be used as a wedge issue. Anyone who does not accept the paradigm is wrong and bad. Those who have managed their finances well, and have mastered the paperwork, can look down upon those who have not, and can see them as failures who are beneath them -- they can feel *better* than them, they can have *contempt* for them. And it cuts across party lines and ideology, so that's a bonus!
And the corporations, bless their hearts, are totally responsible -- after all, *they* keep up with *their* paperwork. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord, they would never *dream* of letting the paperwork back up, why that would be ... why it would be downright un-American.
In the meantime, we the Great Unwashed continue to sink further and further down, to struggle harder and harder, and to feel the boot upon our necks. And sadly, most people fail to see the utter absurdity and wrong-headedness of the situation. Most of us just accept it as "that's the way it is". We have no sense of ourselves as a cohesive society, or as individuals with RIGHTS to go with all those responsibilities -- and that is sad.
Okay, I guess that's enough for one rant.