"Take a breath and consider this: There are approximately 44,000 New York taxpayers with incomes more than $1 million a year -- that means they earn more than $20,000 per week. They claim an astonishing $225 billion each year, a full quarter of all income in the state. In other words, this elite club takes in more than New York's entire middle class, the 2.5 million households earning between $50,000 and $150,000 a year. The inequality in wealth that results is even more astonishing.....
For every $500,000 you earn, you give back to New York -- because that's all taxes are -- one day's pay (about 0.4 percent of your income). Make $1 million, give back two days pay. Lucky enough to make $2.5 million per year? That's five days' pay, or a week's salary. But remember, you still have another 51 weeks at $50,000 per week to get that $2.5 million. We can cap the number of days when we get to $10 million..."
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