"A Justice Department probe has concluded that a powerful manager who worked in the Civil Rights Division during the Bush administration illegally hired attorneys based on partisan credentials and then lied about his actions to Congress.
Those conclusions are part of a long-awaited joint report by the Justice Department's inspector general and the Office of Professional Responsibility.
At a 2007 congressional hearing, Schlozman told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the conservative attorneys he brought into the Civil Rights Division "were not hired because they were Republican." Justice Department investigators now say Schlozman lied in that hearing.
The report quotes e-mails to colleagues in which Schlozman called civil rights attorneys 'pinkos' and 'commies.' He bragged about hiring 'real Americans' and 'bitchslapping a bunch of attorneys' he perceived as liberal.
In one voicemail to a colleague, Schlozman tried to justify hiring people with no record of civil rights experience.
'I just want to make sure we don't start confining ourselves to, you know, politburo members because they happen to be a member of some, you know, psychopathic left-wing organization designed to overthrow the government,' Schlozman said.
Schlozman's spokesman, Mark Corallo, cautioned, 'Let's not confuse inartful comments with breaking the law.'"
In 2006, Schlozman left the Civil Rights Division after he was chosen to be interim U.S. Attorney in Missouri. While in Missouri, he wrote an e-mail saying, '
Perhaps the Division will name an award for me or something. How about the Brad Schlozman Award for Most Effectively Breaking the Will of Liberal Partisan Bureaucrats. I would be happy to come back for the awards ceremony.'"
"Evidence that the former official, Bradley Schlozman , committed perjury on June 5, 2007 , in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee was referred to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia , who declined to prosecute, the department's inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility say in their report.", he perjured himself in front of the Senate, clearly broke the civil service law and the DC AG isn't going to prosecute? WTF? Is he one of those "loyal Bushies" that replaced an actual AG?