Most will remember former billionaire Leona Helmsley's famous words, "We don't pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes".
She was right, and still is right. But Rush Limbaugh says, "Only the rich pay taxes". Too some degree, the fat junkie is right also, but how can that be?
Well, as Mark Twain used to say, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." As proof for the fat junkie's assertion, he will tell you the top 20% of income earners pay 80% of taxes(to which he means federal taxes), and he's right. But what the fat junkie DOESN'T tell you is that his numbers are meaningless because they don't give you all the information.
To illustrate my point, consider a theoretical country that has a population of 100 adults. Let's say that 99 of those people earn $10 thousand per year and one of them makes $10 million per year. Let's also say that this theoretical country has a flat tax rate of 10% on all income. Given those parameters it would be true to say that the top 1% of income earners pays 90% of all taxes. So does that mean that the person making $10 million per year is getting an unfair deal? Using the fat junkie's logic, he's getting screwed, but obviously reality is not even within a cab ride of this assertion.
As the rich get richer and the poor and middle classes get poorer, Limbaugh's fucked up logic gets more and more skewed. The sad part is that every single wingnut pundit repeats this same flawed logic as if the fat junkie's postulation has now been proven and everyone has to accept it as a given. Even some reportedly "knowledgeable" DUers will break down taxes by what segments of the population pays what portions, but all of this logic is flawed because it assumes that tax "fairness" is based on what "share" each group is paying.
For the purpose of this discussion, I'm only going to include federal income taxes. Keep in mind that almost all other taxes are even more "unfair", but I'll save those thoughts for other discussions. Now certainly the Limbaughs of this world will never be happy so long as the rich pay more taxes in terms of dollars, but the reality is that our country could never work that way and be anything similar to the way it is today. The US federal government spends roughly $3 trillion per year. If you divided that $3 trillion by the population of 300 million, you get $10,000 for every man, woman, and child in this country. The median household income in the US is about $50K. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a family of 4 with an average income is not going to be able to pay a $40K tax bill.
So the reality is, so long as we live in our current society, the rich MUST pay more taxes than everyone else. But don't fret too much for the rich. The secret that the fat junkie will never tell you is they can most certainly afford it. The reason is because the rich in this country already own everything. The top 20% in this country own 90% of all it's wealth. So even if they are paying 80% of all the taxes, they are still getting a great deal. According to the fat junkie, the top 1% in this country pay 32% of all the taxes. He won't tell you they own 40% of the country's wealth.
So how are the rich get away with this, aren't federal taxes progressive?
Yes, they are, but only to a point. Only WAGE income is progressively taxed. How many millionaires do you know that punch a timeclock? I'm sure there are a few, but the majority of the very rich get most of their income from capital gains and dividends. Well guess what? 10% of the population own 90% of all stocks. That stock income is taxed at a maximum rate of 15%. The 15% tax bracket affects people who earn more than $8K. It's a pretty good deal if you think about it. A person with millions in income gets taxed at the same rate as someone who makes over $8K. If you make over $32K, some of your income gets taxed at least 10% higher than a billionaire's.
So looking at taxes based on what "share" a particular group is paying is complete bullshit. The only thing that really matters is what "share" of that person's income is being paid. When a person making $78K is paying roughly 30% of their income in federal taxes while Michael Bloomberg pays 15% of his income, something is wrong folks, and I don't need a fat junkie to tell me what a raw deal Bloomberg is getting.