Patrick Murphy speaking from the heart
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Fri Mar-23-07 11:00 AM
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Patrick Murphy speaking from the heart |
getting emotional... "we want the end of that era" talkin of soldiers. Talkin about soldiers coming home in boxes... "sir what are we doing over here" question from a fellow soldier once... "restore accountability and bring our troops home from Iraq!"
(974 posts)
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Fri Mar-23-07 11:10 AM
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1. Sam Johnson is a disgrace - pandering to the far far Right wingnutz |
Edited on Fri Mar-23-07 11:12 AM by IWantAChange
what possible victory in Iraq does his deluded mind think is possible to achieve - what the hell is winning? He wants to stay and keep sending young men and women into a thrasher they cant possibly escape - abandoning our troops - a prescription for failure - this butthole belongs in Texas.
Wrapping oneself inside the flag just isn't going to hold water much longer for the Repukes.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:48 AM
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