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Progressive Democrats: The New Power Bloc In Congress

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
bigtree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 11:22 AM
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Progressive Democrats: The New Power Bloc In Congress
Edited on Fri Mar-23-07 11:22 AM by bigtree

The progressive Democratic Members of Congress who had been considering trying to kill the supplemental bill that includes binding language to end the war made a deal with Speaker Pelosi to provide the necessary votes to pass the legislation. This is a principled and shrewd move that these lawmakers should be applauded for if and when the bill passes.

And it is a courageous move because it is never, ever easy to swallow a compromise, even if it is clearly the right thing to do to achieve long-term goals. These Members of Congress played hardball from the beginning, and that hardball made sure this bill included strong, binding legislation to end the war. Without that hardball, that legislation wouldn't be in this supplemental at all. In fact, such binding language probably wouldn't even be voted on at all in any form, much less have a solid chance to be passed by the full House today. And because of their efforts, progressive Democrats have not only brought the war closer to an end, but they have become one of the most powerful blocs in the U.S. Congress.


But in my exhaustion, I'll say three things:

1) These progressive lawmakers are true heroes because they are displaying a seriousness about ending the war, rather than merely a seriousness about protesting the war . . . more

2) Some readers keep saying that Bush will ignore whatever binding law Congress passes, and thus this Iraq bill is unacceptable. I agree that it's very likely Bush will try to ignore the law like he has so many other laws - but we can't ask legislators to legislate under that premise . . . more

3) Like Bowers, the progressive lawmakers and everyone who supports their decision (yours truly included) to support the supplemental should not accept the concept that some will inevitably trot out claiming that voting against the bill and killing it out of supposed "purity" is a more "ethical" or "principled" stand than voting for the bill and solidifying binding legislation to end the war . . . more

Senior antiwar progressives like Dave Obey who crafted this legislation and other progressives who played hardball and who made the deal last night to help pass this bill should hold their heads high - they will likely go down in history as making the critical difference in taking the first real step to end the war. As a former staffer for the founder of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Bernie Sanders, I can say from firsthand experience that this is a major step forward for progressive power in Congress. These lawmakers displayed toughness and principles, but also shrewdness to get things done. And that kind of political sophistication bodes well for all the other fights coming up in Congress.

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tblue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 11:35 AM
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1. "The perfect is the enemy of the good." -- Bill Clinton
This is a compromise, if you wanna call it that, that can finally help our country turn the corner. I'll take it. I'm behind them 100%.
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Cobalt Violet Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 12:22 PM
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2. K & R
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