the number of people who DID vote for him, and the number who still support him and his policies. After 2004 election I seriously wondered if I was in the right country, with that many people having that different values than I did.
We now have a chance to slow down the damage they have done. I don't know how much will be changed, and it won't be enough for me, but there is a chance to slow down the damage. I am not only uppity but cynical and hate to be proven right.
Sometimes it all feels like a game, but then often it doesn't when friends kids are on 3-4 tour in Iraq, when trying to figure out how to pay basic bills, when dealing with customers figuring out how to keep us all going, when kid and friends come visit and discuss draft fears, when calling around to find cheapest dental care for an abscess.
Next, off to check the DOW. Have you seen the DU topic, running daily? It is in LBN, here is today's, having discussion as to why the market does what it does: are all sorts of people on DU, all sorts, but it is a good place to see news gathered together since there are lots of people doing that here. And a place to network, once you figure out whom is good for that and who is here to waste time (having done both of those myself).