I gotta go take some aspirin and lay down for a while after reading this insanity.
http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2009/01/15/youdecide_bush_legacy/#commentsComment by Big Jim
January 15th, 2009 at 10:50 pm
Next to the Mount Rushmore presidents, W is one of our greatest. Look at Lincoln. He split the country and there was a civil war that brought about more casualties than all other conflicts combined. It took 20 years for the nation to heal and he was still highly unpopular for decades yet he stands tall for all that he did. This is stupidity to evaluate a presidents’ impact during the few years after he has left office. But we have more stupid people in America than ever before. My children and my grandchildren will be thanking him in the future. Wait till after four years of Mr. Obama and all of America will be begging for W to return. I pity the next four years for many in our nation. Everything goes up and down and we have been riding high for the last eight. I have seen too much pain in our wonderful land to know otherwise. Like the great Mr. King said “I have a dream today”, and I say we still have a dream of what the land could be but sadly to say the nightmare is on the horizon.
Comment by Dawn Adams
January 15th, 2009 at 10:49 pm
I believe history will judge President George W. Bush to be one of our greatest Presidents.
He served the american people with integrity and courage and for over 7 years managed to keep us safe. He never dishonored the office of President and he was a man of faith and trust. He served two particularly tough terms which as history would have it, presented him with some of the greatest challenges ever facing an American President. He was not deterred by the dishonesty of the press but remained steadfast in his faith in God to guide him in doing that which he thought was best and that he did. He fought and won the war on terror and we are safer for his having done so.
I have held him up in prayer daily for over 7 years and will continue to do so for he and his wife Laura, his girls, his parents and entire family…one of the most decent and patriotic families to come along in quite some time.
We were lucky to have been blessed with this man at this time in history.
Thank you God for George W. Bush.
Comment by LEllis
January 15th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
Mr. President GREAT JOB!!
The American people will in the days ahead will wish you were back.
Texas politics are light years ahead of Chicago politics…
Comment by jerry d
January 15th, 2009 at 10:46 pm
The Greatest president since Reagan………!!!!! A true COMMANDER & CHIEF ………!!!! Bush has searved our country with honor and devotion……. May his bravery and dedication never be forgotten..
Comment by Tim
January 15th, 2009 at 11:00 pm
No, CLINTON failed to protect this country. 9-11 was planned while Clinton was having cigars with the babes. Can anyone explain why NO ACTION was taken by Clinton when the U.S.S. Cole was attacked? How about the U.S. Embassy bombing? The first World Trade Center Bombing? Elian Gonzales? Waco? Oklahoma City Bombing?
George W. Bush took action. George W. Bush is a true American Hero. George W. Bush was a fighter pilot when Clinton was Draft Dodging and not inhaling in Europe.
Comment by Foster
January 15th, 2009 at 10:59 pm
WTF are the liberals doing on this site anyway? Don’t they have a gay pride parade or an anti-war demonstration to attend? And can everyone please contribute to their educations? Something is wrong when these loons are posting that 9/11 was Bush’s fault and he “allowed” it to happen. Am I on another planet or what? I live in liberal Portland, OR (leaving as soon as possible) and even this is shocking me. Did any left-wing nut-jobs read the 9/11 Commission Report? I didn’t think so. Look at when the highjackers arrived, planned, took flight training, and conspired 9/11…under Clinton while Monica was under him and Hilary was watching! For all of the welfare recipients, medical pot smokers, illegal aliens, and other mental cases (liberals): I strongly recommend you get educated and study the facts prior to posting. Your life will never get better if you wait for “Change” to come. Make your own changes. Make your own money and support your family the way hard-working conservatives do. You have no excuses. This is America and a white guy isn’t the President Elect. Anyone can go anywhere and do anything in this great country…but leave me, my guns, my family, my church, my understanding of marriage, and my PRESIDENT GEORGE WALKER BUSH alone!