... is that when it happened I was browsing through the Fark.com archive on Sept. 11th, 2001.
I don't normally do this. I don't browse anybody's archives to relive the past, and everybody knows I'm not a conspiracy-theorist that haunts the Sept. 11th Forum. I just check the front page of Fark a couple of times a day to make sure I'm fully up on just how much oddity is going on in the world. Like many DUers I've had it
up to here with being clubbed with 9/11 by the national-security-failure Republicans to attack OUR patriotism.
However, I've been hearing the "Isn't is great how Bush has kept us safe from terrorism?" meme a lot recently from the right-wingers, which naturally makes me gag. And to want to perform bodily harm on them with an encyclopedia in the hope that the information contained within those pages will, through some sort of osmotic action, penetrate their craniums and stick to their grey matter.
As as the sunset of the Bush Error approaches I was sort of idly contemplating doing a thread about it. So I decided at about 2:15 CST to check out Fark's archives, and low and behold they date back to 1997. So I begin browsing the week ending Sept. 16th, 2001, and there it is:
So I start reading a couple of the threads, reading the wild rumors, the fear, the news updates, the collapse of the towers... there are even some pictures to look at. Then it's time for me to get in the shower so I can go to work.
I check DU one last time after the shower, while I'm getting dressed... and there it is. LBN story about an airliner crashing into the Hudson!
I immediately turned on the TV set and saw that everything had turned out as well as could be expected, thank god.
But it was an extraordinarily weird moment for me, a brief flashback and a kind of overlapping of the present and the past.
And of course, now I'm scared to check any archives anyplace for any reason. What if it's me???