Are people only now coming forward to finally say what they've been holding back for all these years? Certain pundits are, on both political sides, and certain former bush bots have come forward with smatterings of truth, and perhaps more are forthcoming.
There is a strange feeling across the land that I can't quite describe as the hope president replaces the hopeless president. A weird feeling in the air as we watch this indescribable asshole exit the oval office. I've never seen or felt anything like it. I can't help thinking about that scene toward the end of The Wizard of Oz when the wicked witch's guards thank Dorothy for killing the witch.
This fucker is like no other asshole before him, in our entire history as a nation, and he's not going to be remembered fondly in 5 years, or 10, or 100. His name will always be associated with failing to stop nine eleven, failing to get the alleged perp of nine eleven, mass murder, needless, endless wars, 4000 dead G.I.'s, universal hatred of our nation, torture, lying, stealing unimaginable amounts of money from us, committing incomprehensible atrocities against the constitution and humanity in general.
Is the worst president in history going to just waltz off whistling Dixie while we all breath a sigh of relief just to see his embarrassing ass finally go? Will Americans just be glad he's gone, and move on, or will their anger grow as they start connecting all the dots, and counting all the dead, and wondering where all the money went?
Will the same odd apathy that's infected our nation these last 8 shell-shocked years continue now that bush is mincing arrogantly into luxurious retirement as everything falls into chaos? Will they seek to blame President Obama for all the wreckage left behind by bush and cheney? Will they slowly start to look at the war profiteer assholes in a different way as they fade into the rear view mirror of history?
I think there IS a slow burn, a slow motion anger building, and I think some people are finally admitting to what's been going on during the last eight unbelievable years is unacceptable, and criminal, and un-American, and if the new president doesn't seek to prosecute the neo-cons for treason and tyranny and piracy, someone will. History will. We've been far too forgiving as a nation with the bush administration, and our rage cannot be held back forever.