http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2009/01/hodes_blasts_whitewash_ig_report_on_pentagon_pundi.phpHodes Blasts 'Whitewash' IG Report on Pentagon Pundits
By Elana Schor - January 16, 2009, 5:23PM
The Defense Department inspector general has absolved the Pentagon of any guilt for its systematic farming-out of military officials to promote the Iraq war on TV. But Rep. Paul Hodes (D-NH) isn't about to let the issue drop.
From a statement his office provided to TPMmuckraker:
This report is a whitewash and did not ask the right questions. There are factual inaccuracies and a lack of depth to the investigation. It's a nice parting gift to the Bush White House from the Pentagon. I plan to continue to pursue this matter to get the answers the American people deserve to ensure that they are not the victims of propaganda and deception in matters of war and peace.
Given that the IG report essentially declared there to be insufficient evidence to prove whether the pundits program violated anti-propaganda rules, Hodes has a point about the depth of the probe. Perhaps the coming Government Accountability Office report on the military's Iraq marketing will get more substantive answers from the networks.