how distant starlight can reach us in just 6,000 years!!1!!11 THIS IS HUGH!
I kid you not!
A few are at least
trying to stay on subject:
To: GodGunsGuts
Easy. When the omnipotent God said, “Let there be light!” There was light EVERYWHERE. THEN God separated the light from the dark.
7 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 7:53:31 PM by Blood of Tyrants (Obama is living proof that stupid people should not be allowed to vote.)
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To: GodGunsGuts
What is “The origin of the light was 6,000 light years away”. More dumbass questions for $400, Alex......
8 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 7:53:32 PM by Natural Law
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To: GodGunsGuts
Thanks for posting the article.
One thing I note is that the argument over starlight reaching the Earth is kinda silly.
It is possible that the EARTH was ‘created’ 6000, 10000, or 20 million years ago, but the UNIVERSE was ‘created’ first.
Light from the stars would be reaching ‘everywhere’, so when ever EARTH first appeared, light would continually be reaching it.
Whenever EARTH was created, I doubt the ‘sky’ was empty of stars.
32 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 8:12:29 PM by UCANSEE2 (The Last Boy Scout)
To: CondorFlight
The principle of the tree and man you mention also applies to light and light sources. The answer to the question posed by the title of the article is not difficult.
If God creates light ( day 1), which light is striking the earth, and then (day 4) creates the light sources, the light striking the earth was always doing so from the beginning, it was coalesced into the light source. The distance of the source in light years cannot tell you the age.
The premise of an old universe involving light distance and time of light traveling through space is based on the assumption that there was first a light source and then light. The Bible says the premise is false.
33 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 8:12:40 PM by verklaring (Pyrite is not gold))
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okay, fess up--which DUer is "Ron Jeremy"?
To: GodGunsGuts
If the Bible says it, it’s true. Noah’s Ark was in fact the exact size as written, and two of every animal was crammed into it, and there was enough room, and enough food, and the animals didn’t eat each other, and their excrement didn’t fill up the whole ship, etc.
How anyone can question an exact literal interpretation of the bible is beyond me. Oh, and Moses was right to send his army back to kill all the boys and rape all the women after a victory.
25 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 8:04:50 PM by Ron Jeremy (sonic)
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A few are using rudimentary critical thinking:
To: RaceBannon
I say it is indeterminal, ( :rofl: ) even if taken literally. But then I think trying to take everything in the Bible as literal is kind of silly.
20 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 8:00:19 PM by Always Right (Obama: more arrogant than Bill Clinton, more naive than Jimmy Carter, and more liberal than LBJ.)
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Many are having trouble maintaining attention past the thread title:
To: Blood of Tyrants
And then God said, “No, I said a BUD Light!”
15 posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 7:56:46 PM by Larry Lucido (I was predestined to be an Arminian but am considering choosing Calvinism.)
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I guess being a freeper has become so depressing, what with that illegal alien marxist Obama and his plot to turn us all into mooslims and make us a territory of Kenya, that they can't even think about it for now.