Introducing the ‘Serv O’Beer’: Pour Beer With Your iPhone!
How awesome is this. Words almost can’t describe it. Ever thought of using your iPhone, together with some old kids toys and some solid robotics know-how to create your very own beer-pouring machine? I know I haven’t. But this guy has.
It’s a beer pourer using ‘construx’ (spelling?) from my childhood, it’s kind of the mechanical platform On the iPhone here, we’re going to be using the accelerometers as input so as we turn the iPhone, it will pour the beer into my glass, and save me all of that tough work…
A very serious tip of the cap to the gentleman that created this wondrous device. I think I’ll get started on mine… I’ve already got the iPhone, and I think I have some ‘Lincoln Logs‘ around here somewhere… Hmmmm…
(video at link)