Edited on Fri Jan-16-09 11:21 PM by TwoSparkles
Remember when Bush toured around the country, in an effort to spark support for privatizing social security?
Oh, it was going to be so wonderful! So great for America's senior citizens. The government would invest Social Security funds into...<wait for it>...the stock market!
Bush tried to sell this to all of us, in 2004. Can you even wrap your brain around how catastrophic that move would have been, for the senior citizens who are retiring now and needing that Social Security--if Bush had invested their money in 2004 or 2005--in a stock market that has lost nearly half of its value?
We've endured a great deal of humiliation and hell from George Bush. It's hard to imagine that human disaster inflicting any more pain on this country, than he all ready has.
The fact remains that Bush desperately wanted all of us to put our Social Security funds into the stock market, to enrich and please his corporate masters on Wall Street.
Despite Bush's national marketing blitz, he couldn't convince America and the plan was dropped.
We can all breath a sigh of relief that the Bush nightmare is almost finished--and we can also thank our lucky stars that the nightmare wasn't as horrifying as Bush wanted it to be.