Barack Obama is soon to be sworn in as the first openly multi-cultural president of the United States. At a time when this nation is on the verge of self-destruction comes an opportunity born of our collective hopes, dreams, fears, and despair. The opportunity before Barack reminds me of those early days immediately following 9/11. During those days, the world came together: together in shock, together in grief; together in collective human rejection of the despicable acts that brought down the twin towers and of the politics that were the genesis of those acts. This opportunity, then as now, is fleeting and too easily evaporated by delay, distraction, ignorance, and self-servitude.
For the new president, the world awaits. But it will not wait long. The people of the world hunger for a post-nationalist, post-warfare, post-poverty world where everyone shares in the fruits of their labor, the burdens of their neighbors, and the opportunities to improve each one's human condition.
Essential for Obama to capture this moment and leverage this opportunity are speed, wisdom, and leadership. For our part, it is time for each of us to embrace our communities, our neighbors, our co-workers. It is up to us.