I thought the Economist was a conservative mag, WTF? Get a load of this . . .
"George Bush has presided over the most catastrophic collapse in America’s reputation since the second world war . . .
America is embroiled in two wars, one of which Mr Bush launched against the tide of world opinion. The Bush family name, once among the most illustrious in American political life, is now so tainted that Jeb, George’s younger brother, recently decided not to run for the Senate from Florida.
A Bush relative describes family gatherings as 'funeral wakes'.
Frank Bruni, who covered his election campaign for the New York Times, wrote in 2002 that '
the Bush I knew was part scamp and part bumbler, a timeless fraternity boy and heedless cutup, a weekday gym rat and weekend napster.'
Other facets of Mr Bush’s personality mixed with his vaulting ambition to undermine his presidency. Mr Bush is what the British call an inverted snob. A scion of one of America’s most powerful families, he is a devotee of sunbelt populism; a product of Yale and Harvard Business School, he is a scourge of eggheads. Mr Bush is a convert to an evangelical Christianity that emphasises emotion—particularly the intensely emotional experience of being born again—over ratiocination. He also styled himself, much like Reagan, as a decider rather than a details man; many people who met him were astonished by what they described as his “lack of inquisitiveness” and his general 'passivity'.
His lacklustre attorney-general Alberto Gonzales, who was forced to resign in disgrace, was only the most visible of an army of over-promoted, ideologically vetted homunculi."
http://www.economist.com/world/unitedstates/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12931660And it goes on . . . I love the term "ideologically vetted homunculi." There are so many names you could put under that list.
Is it really over? Is this piece of crap really out of here? I won't believe it until I actually see him get on that plane, which won't be televised, I guess, because everyone will be watching Obama, who wants to see any more of *?