The poor little freepers are pathetically sad nowadays and increasingly more delusional.
Case in point:
To be a Democrat you have to subscribe to the ideas of:
Killing your unborn children in the womb is a constitutional right. The Democrat party has taken over the role of God when it comes to deciding which children deserve the right to Life and which can be “legally” killed.
Gay marriage is a constitutional right. The Holy Covenant between one man, one woman, and God, that has served mankind well since the dawn of time is no longer good enough. Again the Democrat party subverts the will of God and takes it upon themselves to uproot the bedrock foundation of society.
Big government is a constitutional right. Government is your nanny from cradle (if you make it that far) to grave (and they’ll assist you to it if you don’t die soon enough for them).
God-given rights are a hoax. The “self-evident truth” that all men are created equal by their Creator and endowed with certain inalienable rights including the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is no longer true. The Democrat party knows a better way.
Self government, individual rights, individual responsibilities are null and void. The Democrat party establishes all rules for acceptable individual conduct and behavior.
Limited government is a quaint relic of past generations. The U.S. Constitution is just a Word document and in the modern world can be edited (or ignored) at will by the Democrat party (the ruling class).
The First amendment does not protect the God-given right to religious freedom. It means there can be no mention of God in any public place. It also means that preachers cannot speak out against the sins of homosexualism. That would be a hate crime. It means that parents who send their children to Sunday School or teach them about God in their own homes are committing child abuse. It means the Holy Bible is a hate book that should be banned.
The Second amendment no longer applies. It was written for a time when men had to hunt for food to provide for their families. The police are all the protection we need today. Just dial 911 if your home is invaded by burglars, drug addicts or rapists. By the way, be sure your burial insurance plan is paid-up so disposal of your body does not become a public burden.
The Militia? Oh yeah. Those right-wing nut cases that run around in the woods with guns. Dangerous people. Proof that guns should be outlawed.
Capitalism has failed. The robber barons need to be controlled. Profit is a dirty word. The government, led by the Democrat party of course, should decide which products and services deserve to be brought to market and they should control all aspects of production and distribution of said goods and services and how much profit can legally be made on the sales thereof. And it’s right there in the Constitution: “The Congress shall regulate commerce.” Socialism is the answer to all our problems.
State and local government? Again, quaint relics of the past. Why have 50 sets of conflicting laws? It would be far more efficient if the central government enacts one set of laws that apply to all states. Multiply that by hundreds for local governments. Let the central government set all standards. It’s already in the Constitution anyway. Federal law is superior to all local laws. Might as well remove the ambiguity and confusion.
National sovereignty, national security, nationalism, borders? This only creates division, strife, bigotry, inattention to universal human rights, unfair distribution of resources, economic stress, national jealousy, and eventually leads to war. For the sake of world peace, we need to establish strong world governance bodies that have the power to regulate governments of individual client states. Nations will no longer need to spend huge sums of money on maintaining national armies or navies. The money can be better used to serve the people globally through universal health care, education, food production and distribution, fighting global warming, etc. World peace in our time! End hunger and disease!
To be continued... (unless or until the right to freedom of expression is also voided).