Bushies Spent $200,000 of YOUR Money on the Phony Vandalgate Investigation
Clinton Vandalism
Toledo Blade writes, the GAO "spent a year and $200,000 investigating the alleged 'damage, theft, vandalism, and pranks' in the transition from the Clinton Administration to that of...Bush in January 2001. The result: 'little corroborating evidence' to support Republican claims that departing Clintonites had shamefully trashed the White House. The GAO inquiry, which resulted in a 217-page report, was never a legitimate fact-finding exercise but a sophomoric attempt by GOP partisans to further embarrass Bill Clinton, even after he was already out the door... The report was commissioned - the GAO had no choice - by that paragon of congressional virtue, Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA), who for eight years never missed a chance to unleash partisan and personal vitriol on Mr. Clinton... Partisan jabs are one thing, but this one was childish and expensive. The American people must be wondering whether Mr. Bush's aides have nothing better to do with their time. Don't they know there's a war on?"
GAO Vandalism Investigation Was Nothing More than Another Bob Barr Witch Hunt
Clinton Vandalism
Here we go again... the rabid right-wing is yapping about the GAO investigation (which cost way more than the alleged vandalism) of damage to the White House during the Clinton-Bush transition. The report indicated that the damage was fairly typical of that left by an outgoing administration, and we never saw Clinton getting up in arms about Poppy Bush's outgoing pranks, which are well documented in the report. The report also states vaguely that "it was unclear whether, in all cases, the reported incidents occurred, when they occurred, how many occurred, and who was responsible for them." Bob Barr ought to get therapy for his pathological Clinton obsession instead of running up the taxpayers' bill for such ridiculous dead-end witch hunts!
We Know What Was Missing in Bush's Budget, More Wasted Taxpayers Money Investigating Clinton Vandalism
Clinton Vandalism
More wasted taxpayers money was used to investigate the supposed vandalism in the White House after the Clinton Administration left office. The cost of this investigation was around $200,000 to determine that there was approximately $14,000 in damges, most of which was attributed to normal wear and tear, not vandalism. A former Clinton Official said "You have $14,000 versus $200,000. It really documents less than $1,000 worth of problems that one can attribute to a prankster. So much sound and fury signifying nothing," Wouldn't it be funny if someone proposed a Tax increase just to pay for the Clinton investigations? Maybe they could tax the top 5%... Wait that might not cover the costs the republicans wasted on this witch hunt!
Vandalgate: Bush Spent $200,000 to Investigate White House 'Vandalism' of $14,000
Clinton Vandalism
The NY Daily News reports, "Sixteen months after Bush staffers complained that Clinton aides had trashed the White House, a report has found they could not prove serious vandalism, and that damage totaled at most $14,000, Democrats familiar with a draft audit said Angry Democrats who had scoffed at the accusations were quick to say 'I told you so' and said the investigation and subsequent report cost the federal government at least $200,000." We demand an apology from Bush himself - and a refund to the taxpayers from Ari!