Someone posted some threads from the notoriously conservative "Little Green Footballs" site yesterday, showing that conservatives can be compassionate. I think that was a fluke.
At Ann Coulter's forum, they actually have a poll going and here are some comments from her members. I think I hate this woman and her followers more than I hate any other conservative. They just have no bounds to their hatred and ugliness:
Is Edward's Cancer announcement a vote-fishing stunt? Yes No
If Mrs. Edwards has a recurrence of breast cancer, we should keep her and her children in our prayers. But I would not put it past her sleazebag, slip-and-fall shyster husband to announce this to get the female vote. Here's what is suspect about this announcement: 1. Timing. It's less than a year before the dem primaries and Obama and Clinton have been getting a great deal of press. Furthermore, Mrs. Edwards announced that she had breast cancer during the same year that her husband ran for president last time. I don't doubt the original 04 announcement, but I do doubt this announcement. 2. Shamelessness. Democrats are notorious for using people they believe should be immune from criticism as human shields. In the 04 election, they rolled out triple-amputee Max Cleland. Same for Kerry with his 'I was in Veitnam' line. 3. Deflection. This could be to take the heat off of Gore's absurd testimony about the myth of global warming, to steal attention from the Hillary/Obama ad flap. GOPixie
Their reasoning was so that the public could see that she 'looks' healthy, and not just issue a statement. Or something like that butlmat
someone please cancel this thread before it shows up on a liberal site. This is terrible ammunition to give your opponents. Sir Andrew
Actually, I wouldn't put it past the Breck Girl to do it. Although I will never openly accuse him of it. flyover guy
No surprise here. The Dems used Michael J. Fox to smear Republicans over stem cell research in the November elections! Invoking the "pity" vote is no surprise. It will give Edwards the "How Dare You" reply to every attack he faces from now till the cows come home. That is exactly what the Dims did with Limbaugh, when he pointed out that it looked like Fox was Off his medication. Turned out he was Over-medicated.... but either way, Rush ended up being the dirty dog, and all the while, the adds and Fox got a total pass for their full blown deceit and hypocrisy, and the Dems won those races. Hey Michael.... got a cure? Cause you sure don't have a clue! flyover guy
I had to vote "yes" only because there was no option for "Of course!" Politicians, particularly Democrat politicians, do not count as "people". orion
And just how does a trial lawyer that's worth his salt get to be a millionaire. Let's see.....moral, ethical, compassionate, truthful? Reminds me of that movie with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves. This is the real world and he's a real successful trial lawyer...and oh! just shame on us horrible right wingers for calling him names...he'll show us won't he.... Anyway he can............he's used to winning. oledawg
butlmat wrote: someone please cancel this thread before it shows up on a liberal site. This is terrible ammunition to give your opponents.
Said like a true Stalinist. trailer park tony montana
billsfan wrote: someone please cancel this thread before it shows up on a liberal site. This is terrible ammunition to give your opponents.
Nothing is hateful on this site. What the dems did to cheney was hateful. But not this. We need to call out 'conservatives' who fall for this sympathy trap. This is how Edwards extorted hundreds of millions of dollars out of medical professionals so, in a way, maybe this is poetic justice. He ran doctors and their staff out of business with his phony nuiscance suits. I wonder how many people suffered needlessly because they could not get medical care because of this shyster. THS2254
You need to read up on how Edwards became rich. He sued medical professionals out of business with phony lawsuits. His modus operandi was parading a wheelchair-bound victim in front of a jury to get their sympathy. Edwards is a shameless, sleazy, ambulance-chasing, slip-and-fall plaintiff's trial lawyer who got rich by putting good doctors out of business. THS2254
Margie wrote: I had to vote "yes" only because there was no option for "Of course!" Politicians, particularly Democrat politicians, do not count as "people".
Good for you. What he's doing is getting people to walk right into his sympathy trap. I wouldn not be surprised if he waxed his wife's head and paraded her in front of the press with tubes coming out of her arms. This is how that snake got rich. THS2254 I voted YES! A typical liberal ploy by the "Breck Girl," as often noted by our hostess, as how the libs hide behind bullet proof VICTIMS to avoid being challenged on their lies and misrepresentations. orion
Edwards won more than 50 cases with verdicts or settlements of $1 million or more, and 31 of those were medical-malpractice suits. During his 20 years of suing doctors and hospitals, he's pioneered the art of blaming psychiatrists for patients who commit suicide and blaming doctors for delivering babies with cerebral palsy. From what I understand, North Carolina is lucky to have any neurologists, gynecologists or obstetrics practice at all after what Edwards did to all those doctors. This guy is ruthless. Give me one good reason to believe anything he does isn't politically motivated... Don't complain about the cost of healthcare...complain about Edwards. He's a leech upon society. Mr.Magoo
I voted 'yes' because Edwards is a politician and as such will use any cheap and sleazy way to gain votes or sympathy. Powderfinger I don't know if he is doing this for a "sympathy" vote or not. How could anyone possibly know this? But, here is a better question. What does it say for us as a society that it is plausible that some would cast their vote for a candidate based on the medical condition of a candidate's wife? It tells me that we are a country of buffoons who get what we deserve. orion
Powderfinger wrote: I don't know if he is doing this for a "sympathy" vote or not. How could anyone possibly know this?
But, here is a better question. What does it say for us as a society that it is plausible that some would cast their vote for a candidate based on the medical condition of a candidate's wife? It tells me that we are a country of buffoons who get what we deserve. Your answer is "moderates". These are the only people who will buy into this and vote based upon their feelings. They're easily swayed because they have no solid ground upon which they stand. They can be easily manipulated, out-witted and emotionally blackmailed. Hillary is going after the very same thing. I've already had an earful of her "I'm a middle of the country...middle of the road kinda gal" with her fake southern accent. Edwards has chose a different approach he knows will work. After all...he's an expert at it. It's a damn shame that the dumbest people on earth are the ones who's vote count the most. It's an all out competition to see who's got the golden ticket into Willy Wonka's White House. AladdinSane
It is common practice for liberals to employ "immune from criticism" individuals to advance their agenda. Cindy Sheehan. "How dare you criticize a mom who lost a son?" Michael J. Fox. "How dare you criticize a Parkinson's victim?" Mrs. Edwards. "How dare you criticize a terminal cancer patient?" Mr. Edwards is a public figure, and a candidate. He held the press conference. He is fair game, and I for one would not recommend pre-emptive self-censorship out of anxiety over what liberal blogs might think. The censorship is precisely their aim, giving in to it represents surrender to wickedness. Whatever Mr. Edwards motives may be, the media is certainly treating this event from a purely political perspective. Complete assimilation of the personal into the political. Resistance is futile. havok
It all about Emotion..... Liberals know that: Emotion trumps facts. Emotion trumps substance. Emotion fuels the weak minded. Hence a Trial lawyer who goes and finds 12 people he can get to cry and have a deep seeded resentment for some wrong doing and vent their own emotions onto a big corporation or a successful doctor. Stem Cell research is led by a shaking a twitching actor to gain Sympathy, in direct response to reasonable, professional people pointing out the true facts. Who needs facts, when you can cause tears, hand a tissue to someone, right before they enter the voting booth. abcdefclub
During his 20 years of suing doctors and hospitals, he's pioneered the art of blaming psychiatrists for patients who commit suicide and blaming doctors for delivering babies with cerebral palsy. And due to the blaming of doctors for babies with cerebral palsy the rate of c-sections in this country is through the roof. A procedure that carries way more risks all around than a vaginal birth. AladdinSane
Did Junk Science Make John Edwards Rich Quote: 'I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her (Jennifer), I feel her presence,' Edwards told the jury according to court records. " inside me and she's talking to you ... And this is what she says to you. She says, 'I don't ask for your pity. What I ask for is your strength. And I don't ask for your sympathy, but I do ask for your courage.'"
Edwards' emotional plea worked. Jennifer Campbell's family won a record jury verdict of $6.5 million against the hospital where the girl was born -- a judgment reduced later to $2.75 million on appeal. Edwards also settled with Jennifer's obstetrician for $1.5 million. ... Edwards, who opposes legislation that would cap damages in liability lawsuits, would not respond to repeated requests through his campaign offices for comment. John Edwards vs. Babies and Moms Quote: One in seven of fellows of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has quit obstetrics and many rural areas now have no such doctors. Meanwhile health insurance premiums have skyrocketed, in part because doctors don't just absorb higher malpractice fees; they also pass them on. Further, in what's called " defensive medicine," lawsuit fears increased the number of "When in doubt, cut it out" C-sections. Cesareans in the U.S. had begun dropping in the late 1980s, going as low as 22 percent of deliveries. As Edwards and friends spread fear across the Ob/gyn land, rates began to climb again. The rate is now 30.2 percent, a record high for the nation. ... Photos released by the Edwards campaign often feature him surrounded by his wife and kids. No doubt he loves them very much. It's too bad he thinks so little of the families of others. Edwards Malpractice Suits Leave Bitter Taste Quote: The American Medical Association lists North Carolina's current health care situation as a "crisis" and blames it on medical-malpractice lawsuits such as the ones that made Democratic vice-presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards a millionaire many times over. ... "The John Edwards we know crushed and neurosurgery in North Carolina," said Dr. Craig VanDerVeer, a Charlotte neurosurgeon. "As a result, thousands of patients lost their health care." Who's the buffoon now, fool? WongHoPinyan
Any doctor that treats this Ambulance Chasers wife for cancer, deserves everything they have coming to them. If I were that Doctor's insurance company, I'd cancel that policy immediately. DKong
Surely you don't underestimate the cunning immorality of the liberal. The liberal mind is highly compartmentalized so even if it crossed My Little Pony's puny mind, it was quickly put in it's place. Projection works for normal, honorable people too. We all have a hard time believing anyone would exploit such a situation, (since we wouldn't do such a thing), but it happens every day. No matter who or what Silky 'Bundle of Sticks'* exploits, he is OVER as far as the Prez race is concerned. *An alternate definition of that word that Ann was lambasted for....BTW, I thought her comment was hilarious, once i got the whole joke. Don't you go changing, dear Ann. oledawg
If I would be required to make a decision, I would insist on a choice of 'Probably'. I believe most of us are more than aware of Edwards' history and even though he is a thoroughly despicable person, I still must recall the admonishment of Jesus concerning the two most important Commandments. Especially, in this topic, on Commandment number two. I have a much harder time keeping this Commandment than the first. I would again request we consider this point and refrain from emotional rants. DKong
If it is a vote-fishing stunt, it's one of the lowest, sleaziest moves a person could make. Actually, if I were a politician and learned my spouse had a malignancy I would not be able to do anything else except for devote my time and attention to him. I'd have a tough time traveling knowing he might need me back at any minute. Even if he told me it would be alright if I left him to campaign, I would have a hard time doing it. billsfan
I WONDER IF Edwards hateful "i hate God" bloggers are praying for his wife. WHy is it that dems hate God so much, but now in a tiem of crises thy are going to turn to him. lewstherin