The Celebration over Obama is Justified but also
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Mon Jan-19-09 03:40 AM
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The Celebration over Obama is Justified but also |
A Day of Remembrance for the countless victims of GWB is also in order. A candle-lit display of sorrow that could be seen from the space station.
Sherman A1
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Mon Jan-19-09 03:47 AM
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I believe the number one victim of * was The Constitution of The United States.
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Mon Jan-19-09 04:03 AM
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2. Burn some of that dried white (or sacred) sage. It's tribal incense. |
I heard on Rachel Maddow's show that it's what the community in Machu Picchu did a couple of days after the bushes left there. Remember that footage of the bushes dancing with the tribal chieftains? Well, there was a saging ceremony in that community after they left - to get rid of the bad vibes. The guest on Rachel Maddow said there was to be a similar cleansing event in Washington DC's Dupont Circle - to get the evil spirits out of the White House before the Obamas officially move in. I think it was to have been held this weekend. I think I'll burn some too for that same reason. It grows wild at the back of our yard.
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Mon Jan-19-09 04:17 AM
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3. It would have to burned in immense quantities in very very |
many locations to alleviate the deadly Bush legacy. Thanks for the info about the Macchu Picchu community. I think the Windsors should have done that at Buckingham Palace!
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Mon Jan-19-09 05:27 AM
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4. Yes, we can't have fun without remembering dead folk. Let it go for 1 day. |
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Mon Jan-19-09 06:04 PM
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5. NOT on the same day but within the time frame while the |
transition is still new. This is not meant to rain on parades but is a necessary (I feel) adjunct to Bush's departure and could serve to remind us how much he needs to stand trial. Even a week or two afterwards would work.
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:32 PM
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