Please take the time to read Carol's story and look through to see if there are any dogs you can take into your home or program to find them new homes. This is not an easy task, as you will note, most of the dogs are large and many are black. We need all the eyes and ears we can get to save these babies Time is VERY limited. 2 weeks left!
Rainsville, Alabama - For over 10 years, Rainsville citizens and city officials and workers have called upon Carol to take care of all the stray animals in the area. This is not a poor town but they do not spend money on things like an animal shelter. They just call on Carol and she steps up to the plate. After her house fire, attention was drawn to Carol and her large number of dogs. Suddenly the city officials played ignorant and many people against her. The whole town that has brought her dogs over the years have turned against her. The neighbors who had bought adjacent property and build their new homes saw an opportunity to get rid of the eye soar they called Carol's place.
Now, Carol has been told by the courts to get rid of all the dogs. She can only have 3 dogs on her 4 1/2 acres of property while the breeders across the street have 17 and yet more breeders at the other end of the street have more! To explain this to you I simply say, the city is named Rainsville and the Judge in this matter is Judge Raines.
Time Frame:- These dogs need out NOW! Carol LOST her second round of appeals. The official court order came down on these dogs back in late October. Thankfully, through the publicity of the mass movement and national support of the plight of Carol's dogs, the city has given her a "good ole boy handshake agreement" to hold off on executing any of the dogs as long as the rescue effort continues. Unfortunately, this deal ends FEBRUARY 9th, 2009!
We have 12 hard to place dogs to move in 6 weeks! know you will help if you can. The article tells a lot more about Carol. There are also pictures of the dogs. I wish I was closer.