As most of you know,I've written over 200 ltte demonizing Bush,the war in Iraq,etc with a lot of local criticism.Look at the comments to columns written by two local Republicans(none were by me,by the way) wrote on Jan 18, 2009 5:52 PM:
" You might want to consider switching to the non alcoholic whine.Like the real stuff, the deeper you get into the bottle ,the more illogical your positions become.Also thanks for the positive re-enforcement of my faultering your stuff. "
poppop12 wrote on Jan 18, 2009 5:59 PM:
" Isn't there a rock that you can crawl under. You need to get a life! I am quite sure that you believed that George "Dubya" Bush was the savior of this country and I am quite sure that you voted for him not once but twice so if you don't mind right now your opinions are nothing I would hang my hat on! I will agree with the vast majority of this country, yes that is right, you and the few others (from Texas) who still believe that the right-wing, judgmental, hateful Republican party is the party to lead this country, are FINALLY the minority!!! " wrote on Jan 15, 2009 8:02 PM:
" Why did you vote no to the government offset for teachers, firefighters, police officers, and service people in those professions? My mother would like to retire and she can't because of this which iis totally unfair and biased. I urge you to change your vote the next time it comes up again. I know also that it was put up again as the unfair social security actthe first week of January 09. "
guyol wrote on Jan 16, 2009 2:17 PM:
" "I am the highest ranking Republican on the Energy and Commerce Committee and the situation there is a perfect example of this injustice."
Mr. Barton really misses his Chairmanship, I see. "
poppop12 wrote on Jan 16, 2009 6:04 PM:
" Should we begin to list all of the things that the Republicans did while they were in power? Both parties do it--so stop whining Joe! Redistricting comes to mind, right off the bat and right now in the State of Texas, REPUBLICANS are attempting to do away with the ability to straight party vote. Imagine that! Now why would they want to do that? You are just afraid they might try to clean up the air in Ellis County and your big business buddies might get a little upset. Hmmm, I wonder why struggles you will have to go through. Please...... "