I was going to check on our friends over at the asylum known as the Free Republic to see how they were handling the imminent inauguration, but I couldn't get past the first two posts. First, from a respectable site called Science Daily, someone linked to this article: "Slight Changes In Climate May Trigger Abrupt Ecosystem Responses." Guess what follows it, from some wingnut outfit called Newsbusters, whose tag line is "Exposing Liberal Bias": "Gore Losing the War: 59% Don't Believe Man Is Warming the Planet." Most amusing is this comment on the second article from someone who didn't pay any more attention in math class than he/she did on political science: "That would be the 59% of the population with enough functioning neurons to notice that they are freezing to death. The other 49% are at the Obama Coronation." I have to agree, that since it is cold in DC in mid-January, global warming must be a myth. It's amazing these people are smart enough to breathe. On a serious note, this came from some columnist who apparently made the whole thing up. Several people in the comment section said they googled the conference and people he referenced and could find no confimation for his claims.