Obama has already said the 21 or 22 he will make it legal to have an abortion any time a woman may want it and up to an including actually giving birth.
The next thing he has said he will do is gay rights, and from what I understand that means marriage between men and men, and woman and woman. This will be nation wide and the states can do nothing about it.
He is going to do this by exective order from what I understand.
If he follows through on these and I think he will, I look for major events to happen in the United States very soon afterwards. Possibly the same day.
They could include earthquakes, in the great range, like high 8's or low 9's and could be even a middle to high nine. We could also expect to see weather related events, record cold nation wide, record snow or rain and floods, also volcanos. First thought Yellestone, but there are other places too. It is my prayer that these events don't happen, but I expect our GOD to let the United States know how he feels about these two so called rights and make a statement loud and clear.
Also, HE could hold these events and strike Obama, or his family with sickness, accident or something clearly from GOD.I know over the past few years when we have pushed Israel into a corner this country has had major events happen within a few days if not the same day. It is my prayer that we don't see any of these events, but my fear is that America will face a great judgement if Obama does these things.
Just my thoughts, but I do feel that we are going to pay a big price if he does these things.
http://www.rr-bb.com/showthread.php?t=75919Effing nuts!