via AlterNet's PEEK:
Anti-Immigrant Groups Shed 'Mainstream' Charade; Embrace Racist Roots
Posted by Eric Ward,
Imagine 2050 at 11:37 AM on January 21, 2009.
A look at the anti-immigrant movement when it believes that no one is watching.After three decades of being handled with kids gloves by national media, the national network of anti-immigrant organizations is now confident enough that they are jettisoning any veneer of respectability. One such organization, Social Contract Press, showed just how extreme its views are on a recently released video produced by Imagine 2050: in 1968, the role of Social Contract Press (SCP) is to produce written materials for the larger anti-immigrant movement created by John Tanton in the 70s. Tanton, a retired ophthalmologist, is the founder of the modern anti-immigrant movement in the United States. A report recently released by the Southern Poverty Law Center further documents Tanton’s relationship with white nationalists in the United States and Europe.
In 1995 Tanton, who is also the publisher of Social Contract Press and the founder and board member of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), defended Holocaust Deniers when he wrote that hate crime laws in Europe had “ . . . generally been pushed by Jewish interests who are offended by those who have challenged the received version of the Holocaust.”
With views like these it should not be surprising that Tanton anointed Wayne Lutton as the editor of Social Contract Press and Kevin Lamb its managing editor. Lutton is active with the Council of Conservative Citizens, the reconstituted white citizens councils’ of the 1960s, and Lamb is the editor of the anti-Semitic journal, The Occidental Quarterly.
Imagine2050 crashes Social Contract Press’s party and what the video reveals is a disturbing look at the anti-immigrant movement when it believes that no one is watching.