http://www.huffingtonpost.com/terry-krepel/right-wing-media-becomes_b_160122.htmlWND columnist Ellis Washington -- who has not been shy about likening Obama to Nazis -- threw an additional smear into the mix in a Jan. 17 column, claiming that "I see Barack Obama mimicking the fascist and socialist policies of President Wilson," later going on to reference "the fascist and socialist legacy of Wilson, FDR, LBJ,
Carter." George W. Bush, meanwhile, merely has "utopian tendencies."
Another WND columnist who likened Obama to Nazis, Erik Rush, declared his contempt in the headline of his Jan. 22 column: "Mussolini inspired optimism, too."
And Jack Cashill is still clinging to his conpsiracy theory that William Ayers ghost-wrote Barack Obama's first book. His Jan. 15 WND column asserted that an article that Obama purportedly wrote in 1983 containing grammatical errors "should put an end to the charade that Barack Obama wrote his 1995 memoir 'Dreams From My Father' unaided," adding that "Ayers had the means, the motive and the ability to jump start Obama's literary career, and Obama needed all the help he could get." Missing, of course -- as has been missing all along -- is any actual evidence that isn't speculative or circumstantial.
WND hasn't let the inauguration get in the way of its bogus obsession over Obama's birth certificate. A Jan. 18 article by Bob Unruh failed to acknowledge the simple fact that WND's own reporting found it to be authentic, still pretending that there are legitimate questions about Obama's "eligibility" not raised by people who aren't Obama-haters like themselves.
An italic-littered Jan. 20 WND column by Alan Keyes and fellow birth certificate obsessive John Haskins keeps up the fight by claiming, "Now steps onto the stage of world history a man apparently quite conscious that the Supreme Law of the United States prevents him from being president of the United States," adding their contempt for Obama's supporters: "Like the sophisticated, educated elites in Weimar, Germany, they long to live under what they presume will be a benevolent dictatorship."