"Don't confuse it with the top 10 percent paying 70 percent of their income in taxes. They don't.
There are many multimillionaires, even some billionaires in the United States.
They pay a larger share of government revenue because they have a larger share of all the money.
As a simplistic model, imagine a small country with ten people. Nine make $50,000 a year. The tenth makes $1,000,000 a year. Imagine they are both taxed at 30%. The first nine pay $15,000 in taxes each for a total of $135,000 in government tax revenue. The tenth pays 300,000 in taxes. The total tax revenue in this hypothetical country is $435,000. The citizen who makes $1 million a year pays 69% of the tax revenue. 10% of the earners pay ~70% of the taxes.
THAT is why the top earners in America pay so much of the taxes, because they make so much more than the median American (in reality the tax rate is graduated, but because income is taxed in marginal terms, the rates are not as steep as some would have us believe--you have to make *a lot* of money for your tax rate over all your income to approach 35%, which is the highest on standard income sources I believe)
Republicans have brainwashed people who haven't spent two seconds thinking about this that everybody should pay an equal share...IOW, they try to insinuate that if you represent 10 percent of the population, it's fair that you should pay 10 percent of the taxes. In our little ten-person country, that would mean the person making $1 million pays exactly the same in taxes as the person making $50,000. Afterall, each person is paying for the same government services (the nine poor people are possibly even getting more benefit from it than the one millionaire is). Except, what happens if the government spending on a pointless war is $500,000 a year? If everyone payed their "fair share" then the people making $50k a year wind up with zero because all their income is taxes, while Joe Millionaire is sitting on his cool $950,000."
I think it's a nice easy way to explain to low information type people. We have to stop these morons from omitting all the facts to tell a lie.