It doesn't matter if they are on WCRP in Bumscrew, State, USA or Armed Forces Radio. Just because the show was picked up on a programming schedule doesn't mean it is going to be on forever and ever amen. If a program director or editorial board decides the program stays or goes, it stays or goes. Censorship and the first amendment have absolutely naught to do with it.
Optioning or canceling a radio program is not abridging free speech. The likes of Rush Limbaugh can peddle their unique brand of wisdom or trash to their heart's content. A radio station can buy it or drop it whenever they so desire. Let's be clear here, advocating that Rush not have AFR as an outlet for his idiocy is hardly consigning the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution to the port-o-let of radio waves.
Personally, I do believe Armed Forces Radio should air dissenting opinions. However, I also believe there are options for providing reasonable and respectful dissenting opinions. I do not believe he is so popular as to warrant catering to his so-called fans at the expense of providing quality radio programming abroad.
Limbaugh can rage on to his heart's content. I am not about to stop him from doing that. I will however, support any station or network's right to decide whether or not they will pass on his diatribes to their listeners.