Could the Gitmo prisoners be moved to the SuperMax prison in Colorado?
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Fri Jan-23-09 09:28 AM
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Could the Gitmo prisoners be moved to the SuperMax prison in Colorado? |
I'm talking here about those who we know to be probable terrorists, for whom there is evidence to charge them with a crime.
The SuperMax is probably the most secure prison in the world and houses some of the most violent killers and mass murderers alive today.
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Fri Jan-23-09 09:47 AM
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1. "known terrorists" are no more dangerous that these other criminals |
Our legal system has always dealt with people who are very violent and very dangerous to society.
Quite honestly, some of these people should never see the outside world in their life.
I have no problem treating convicted terrorists as the dangerous violent criminals that they are.
NOW tense
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Fri Jan-23-09 09:48 AM
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2. I am sure some Colorado Repub |
will say they don't want all the terrorist in one place.
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Fri Jan-23-09 09:55 AM
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3. I don't think the real issue is where to put them. |
Sure there will be wrangling about that and "NIMBY" issues in whatever place they end up. The real issue to me is whether we have evidence to charge and convict these people. Regardless of where we put them, we can't just hold a man in prison for life without a trial just because we are sure he is a "bad guy".
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Fri Dec 27th 2024, 02:33 PM
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