Is there any doubt that the only way fully motivate many on the right is to let them feel the pain they so readily inflict on others? In many instances the mere threat that these folks might become subject to the policies they inflict on others is enough to get a change of heart. One hopes that President Obama, if the situation merits it, motivate stubborn, mindless conservatives to his way of thinking by giving them a taste of their own medicine.
I have no doubt that an effective strategy for motivating many on the right in the next few years is to simply inform them that they themselves may have to live with the insane policies they mindlessly supported over the last eight years.
Take the regulation of financial markets as an example. IS there any doubt that many de-regulation preaching conservatives have changed their minds about regulation/oversight now that they are witnessing THEIR money disappear from their 401ks or to folks like Bernie Maddoff?
A few years back, someone in the Bush Admin. thought it would be funny to put Uncle Teddy Kennedy on the no-fly list. I wonder how amusing that fat drug addict Rush Limbaugh would find it if he could no longer zip over to the Dominican Republic for a bit of sex tourism on the weekends? One wonders if guys like Bill Kristol would become just a tad less bloodthirsty if they were told at the gate to their plane that they needed to go with the nice officers for a strip search and orifice check.
While the ultimate goal is to restore or Constitution under Obama and bring sanity back to policies like the No-Fly list, I think that one POTENTIAL tool for Obama to use to get change is a subtle threat that some of these Bush policies might be turned on the very conservatives that cheerleaded them.