It’s not every day that you wander over to Focus on the Family’s Citizenlink website and see a headline blaring “
Bundy Was Right,” but that is exactly what you’ll find there today as Focus marks the 20th anniversary of James Dobson’s infamous interview with one of America’s most notorious serial killers:
"Twenty years ago, Dr. James Dobson sat down with Ted Bundy, one of the most notorious serial killers in American history. The interview took place on the eve of Bundy’s execution in a Florida state prison.
"My purpose in going on Glenn’s show is to discuss the reason why Bundy chose me for his final interview when every major news anchor at every TV network was jostling for an exclusive with him,” Dr. Dobson said. “Bundy wanted to talk about the role media violence and particularly violent, hard-core pornography had played in his years-long killing spree, and he knew the mainstream media wouldn’t report that story.”"
Of course, Bundy was also a remorseless, manipulative psychopath … so perhaps his outreach to Dobson and his efforts to blame his 30-plus murders on pornography ought not to be taken at face value (Not to mention investigators could never find any link to pornography).
James Dobson and Focus on the Family, Bundy was a monster, and he didn't stop being a monster just because he was about to be executed. He chose to leave his legacy with you, his murderous legacy... with you guys. That should tell you a lot right there.