...and I wish, oh how I wish I could believe you.
What I really think, though, is that the Democrats sold out their working class base a long, long time ago, and that we are seeing the end results of that sellout. They no longer support the working class as such, or the unions. They are embarrassed to be associated with the great unwashed (who never were unwashed, but that is how the rank and file have been portrayed, and the Democratic politicans by and large have bought into it). We are the rabble, and we couldn't possibly understand how the world works, and the wonderful intricacies of Capitalism -- only the elites can, and they will do what is best for all of us. Rrriiight...
We have been betrayed by the elites who rule us, and nothing will change until we rise up and take the power that belongs to us. Whether that takes the form of general strikes, mass walkouts, mass demonstrations, or what, I don't know. I would never advocate violent revolution -- violence really does beget more violence, and we still do have democratic structures that can in theory support our aspirations. We need to figure out how to wrest the reins of power from the DLC types, though, IMO. And it will take more than "working from within". It's really insidious, the way they rub their hands together and intone "We're on your side, really we are..."
Pffft. I wonder when the American people will wake up from our stupor and see how it really is, and dispense with the fighting amongst ourselves and start to demand our government stay true to its charter of existing to promote the general welfare of its citizens -- a Constitutional imperative that has long been dormant. Our government exists to protect the fat cats, period. And that is the source of the current crisis. Well, crisis is opportunity, and we need to take it. But it would require that we stop even thinking about one another as right or left, and start looking at the class issue. Yes, there, I said it. That is at the root of the crisis and the bulk of the world's problems today.
I don't "hate rich people". I take individuals as individuals. But the structures we have created have imperatives that foster war, and theft, and corruption. We need to change the structures. For example, corporate charters and the laws regarding corporations create one imperative only: maximize the return to the shareholders. The unwritten laws have another imperative: maximize the salaries and bonuses of the executives and boards of directors. Beyond that they have no other imperatives. We don't punish them for taking jobs offshore, for banking offshore and hiding profits, for moving HQ to sham offices offshore to evade taxes. What the hell?
Sorry had to rant.