If you can listen to Thom Hartmann's show of Mar 22, there is someone who debunks this film.
Gore debunked some of this in his hearing the other day:
Here is the text written from someone - with my response after each point.
Point: They also pointed out that CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas and that water vapor is by far the most prevalent greenhouse gas and that the oceans are the engine for water vapor in the atmosphere.
Water vapor has always been in the atmosphere - long before man started pumping additional CO2 into the air. Why was there no global warming before?
Point: They also stated that the oceans are a major producer of CO2 and their contribution exceeds man's contribution. They also pointed out that during a typical year, volcanic action and animals also exceed man as CO2 engines.
CO2 content in the air was below 300ppm before the industrial revolution. It is now closing on 400ppm. The figure before the industrial revolution is from natural sources - so one could say that man's contribution is less. However, man's contribution is putting the natural balance out of whack to the point where it is affecting climate - even if it is only a 1/3 contribution.
The oceans are NOT a major producer of CO2 - they are a major dissolver of CO2. This process makes the ocean more acidic - which is harmful to marine life and corals. The Ocean acts as a carbon-pump - dissolving CO2 under most circumstances, and sometimes releasing CO2. Global warming has been MITIGATED by the fact that oceans dissolve CO2 (not going into the air), but the oceans are reaching a saturation point with respect to dissolving CO2.
Because the Oceans dissolve CO2 - man's contribution to CO2 is probably higher than 100ppm.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solubility_pumphttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/6369401.stmPoint: Finally they stated that a major climate study that compared the record of sun spot activity over the past several hundred years with temperatures on Earth showed a direct correlation between increased sun spot activity and temperature rise.
This has been debunked.
Gore debunked this better. The outer layer of the earth's atmosphere is not warming - in fact it is cooling. If the warmth was from the sun, then the outer layer would warm as well. Sun spot activity has not increased over the last 30 years - it has remained stable.
Also, the fact that mankind has contributed only 100ppm of the 380ppm of the current CO2 content can be likened to that of baking a cake - say to 350, when it turns out perfectly. But add just another 50 degrees of heat (less than 350), the cake will burn.
However, with global warming it will not just stop at a convenient point where we no longer have to wear jackets - it will keep on going.