Progressives have to neutralize the right wing lies and misrepresentations immediately and forcefully.
A lie let loose gets repeated by the mindless until it develops an existence of its own. This is why the right wing is able to get people to side with them.
This is the reason why "centrist" Democrats are so easily befuddled. They have no good response to the stupidities promoted by the right. By hemming and hawing, the Democrats give credibility to what is, with a little bit deeper analysis, patently contrary to reality.
This is how, for example, the right wing has been able to promote "trickle down" economics. Economies are not "supply" driven, but rather "demand" driven. There is plenty of supply of goods and services out there. The economy is tanking for LACK OF DEMAND. DEMAND is people having and wanting to spend money. Without demand, you can have all the "supply" in the world, the economy will go into recession or worse.
This was true back in "supply side economics" Reagan's day as it is today. Hardly any Democrats and very few economists pointed this out back then, and few are pointing it out today. The whole bailout scam assumes "supply side" economics is reality. The Feds lowering the interest rates supposedly to create "liquidity" is another fraud.
People are not buying or investing because they are afraid of being defrauded (rightly so), or they have lost, or are afraid of losing, their jobs. Bailing out the financial institutions that perpetrated the frauds does NOT give people confidence to spend or invest. Just the opposite, the bailouts send the message that crime does pay.
Priming the economic "pump" by investing in infrastructure and technology, as President Obama is doing, is a good start. The next step is to rewrite trade laws and tax laws to level the economic playing field so as to make it profitable for companies to create jobs in the U.S. for Americans.
When a majority of the goods and services consumed in America are made in America, many of our economic problems will diminish and go away. The huge trade deficits, the huge U.S. debt to foreigners, and the government deficits will diminish exponentially when Americans are back to work providing our goods and services.
No other economic actions will work until this unseemly offshoring of jobs is reversed. Period. The employment figures are a much more importment measure of the economy than the stock market. Using the stock market as an economic barometer is a tacit assumption of supply side, trickle down economics. It is a gross hallucination.
The tax laws must be rewritten to make it difficult for corporate executives to manipulate the stocks of their corporations, a la Enron, to defraud their corporations (and by extension, the employees and shareholders) of billions of dollars. The corporate Ponzi schemes brought us offshoring, buyout mania, and "funny" accounting practices to enable executives to temporarily boost stock prices so they can invoke their stock options and walk away with essentially tax free billions, while leaving the rest of America with a huge debt and a looming depression.