Edited on Sun Jan-25-09 09:59 AM by galaxy21
" McCain and his bratty daughter are shameful in their treatment of Governor Palin since the election".
"When I watched the inagural on Tuesday I kept envisioning Sarah Palin going through the process. It’s not a matter of if she will be POTUS but when..."
"I can’t wait to read her book, and I bet whatever money she makes out of the book deal she gives away to charity." (yeah, right...)
"Part of why Palin got such bad press treatment was that she didn’t give an impression of being informed" in response "So what?"
"Many democrats hate Sarah because she is a woman, and they are sexist. They hate the idea of a woman leader." (Um...Hillary?)
"Is IQ really a relevant standard for Presidents, beyond a certain acceptable level? Of course not. No more than it is for a corporate chief executive, a team captain or anybody in a leadership position" (Is a corporate chief or team captain going to have nuclear codes?)
"Sarah only lost that Alaskan beauty pagaent because of Affirmitive Action"
And they're pissed at Tom Hanks
"His son must be gay. Why on earth would he support “gay marriage” if someone near or dear to him wasn’t gay?"
"Another actor off my list of people to see."
"I’m tossing all the movies I own with Tom Hanks in them. He’s lost all credibility now."
"I must have missed the part of his speech where he said that blacks and hispanics who supported prop 8 were also being un-american."
Freepers are also unhappy with 24, and hints that the show may be taking a different direction
"24 is one of my all-time favorite shows, but if Jack drops one progressive idea I'm done with him."
"I watched the show partly for the pleasure of seeing Jack break some terrorist’s fingers slowly, one by one, and if he stops doing that I’ll stop watching. I mean, nobody watches the thing for superb acting!"
"President Bush reminds me of Jack Bauer."
Talk also turned to other matters
"If it weren't for President Bush we would be suffering terrorist attacks every week!"
"I hate to tell you this but Jindal is not natural born, neither his father are his mother were citizens, they had only been in the country a short time before his birth, actually I don't think his mother is a citizen today." (yeah, that still makes him natural born...)
"Gillibrand is a conservative democrat? What does that mean, she's only 90% liberal?"
"Booing Bush? What ungrateful bastards."
"President George W. Bush has raised the bar by which political courage should be measured."