is a trait shared by most.
All that is required is that we get off of our judgmental and pre-conceived notions every now and then.
In my life I've noticed that Republicans have more of a struggle letting go, even when a situation would require it. But I've seen it done quite more often than I would have thought.
Maybe, along with serving up wine, you've given some food for thought and self-examination to your roommates. As for myself, I regularly find that I have to nudge myself to let go of my ideas of what "Republican" means in the real world. (It's often very different from what goes on in corrupt Washington.)
But in general, Democrats seem to be less afraid of people and more willing to give folks the benefit of the doubt. They're not so worried that people are going to "pull one over" on them, and so, they usually are more willing to act when others are in distress.
I think that may be one reason why it took Democrats in the general populace so long to see just how deeply corrupt the Republican leadership had ultimately become!
An exception has been many of the actively Christian Republicans I've known. For them, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.", is taken seriously. They challenge themselves to see Christ in every person, and would have most likely been side-by-side with you in creating a positive situation from a negative for someone other than themselves alone.
We will be seeing more of those Republican individuals voting for good Democratic candidates in the future. More and more Republicans are even coming to see themselves as Democrats as more individual Democrats voice the basic values they live by and find important--just as you have done here.