The Raw StoryEchoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's words one week ago, New York Sen. Charles Schumer said Sunday that he could support prosecution for Bush officials that participated in torture or broke other laws.
"If there are egregious cases, I don't think you can say, blanket, no prosecutions," Schumer told Fox's Chris Wallace Sunday morning. "If there are egregious cases, yes, you have to look at them."Last Sunday on the same television show, Pelosi signaled that she's open to backing prosecutions of Bush administration officials, telling Wallace that "you look at each item and see what is a violation of the law..."
But Schumer was far from aggressive, repeating President Obama's comment earlier this month that "we should be looking forward, not backward."
President Obama said two weeks ago that he was not ruling out possible prosecution for abuses committed under the George Bush administration, saying no one "is above the law."
"We're still evaluating how we're going to approach the whole issue of interrogations, detentions, and so forth," then President-elect Obama said in a TV interview when asked about alleged abuses under Bush.