excuses up for Bush's economic mess? I know i am. I feel fed up with some of the people that I know. and i have also been hearing this in some comentators on TV.. These people don't want to accept that the economic collapse and the failing of it has nothing to do with Bush. That "this is not about republicans or democrats", i have been called 'short sided" and "partisan" for thinking or blaming on the Bush administration what we are going through at this point in time.
Let me give you an example, I received an email from a friend offering a link where Ron Paul trashed Obama's inauguration speech; where I replied, " I don't care what Ron Paul has to say, he should get over it, his policies failed, people didn't vote for him" My friend replied that he never had a chance to show his political vies because he's not backed by the washington bureaucrats,and that his views on free market principles are "refreshing to hear given what is happening now"
I replied to my friend that "free market principles" is what got us into this mess on the first place, which he replied that "we never had a free market principle under BUSH""""!!!!!- that we had interventionist government policies.. and that Bush followed the Keynesian model of economics which was heavy on centralized government planning...and he feels that Obama will do the same thing.
in other words, it was not the responsibility of a disastrous bush administration that free marketing principles do work if you let them be..
Am I being too partisan? How come Republicans never take responsibilities of their actions and Democrats are being dumped along with their failures.
Is this a new tactic?
this was my friend's email: __________________________________________________________________________________ "We never had a free-market under Bush. We had interventionist government policies right down to the end of his term with the bailouts. In 2001-2002, he artificially lowered interest rates to prevent a recession after the dot com bust. This made borrowing money cheap and gave way to the inflating of the housing bubble. That is plain market manipulation that follows the Keynesian model of economics, which is heavy on centralized government planning.
Unfortunately, Obama's approach to fixing the economy is also based on Keynesian economic principles. As much as I think he's a sensible person and a charismatic leader, I can't support the idea of nationalization of the banking industry, auto industry, insurance industry, mortgage industry ...and whatever else is next on that list.
Don't be short-sighted here... let's not make this an issue of democrat or republican. This is the bigger picture. Our economy and monetary policy is not safe right now. The government has been (and will continue to under Obama) undermining the principles of classical economics set forth in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence"...
how can i respond to this? he seems convinced that these are the reasons that it has nothing to do with our government making irresponsible decisions while that government was in power...
WTF???? :shrug: