to the repukes. Stop worrying about Obama being too bi-partisan. This is the man who in hid meeting with house repukes last week, told them in no uncertain terms "I won". Do you really need to have that translated?
President Obama has methodically rolled out his agenda with no mincing of words. He's signed executive orders to close Gitmo, ensure that we don't use torture, close black sites, restore funding to NCOs that provide a full range of health services to women overseas, let CA and other states have emissions waivers, and on and on.
He shows NO sign of giving in to repukes on ANYTHING. His post-partisan or bi-partisan posture costs us nothing and is a smart chess move that may enable him to peel off repuke votes from time to time.
What do you want? Obama to call out repukes? Well, he's done that as concerns bushco, but he should hold off doing it to repukes in the house and senate, unless he really needs to tap some of his political capital. And right now isn't the time for that.
He knows what he's doing here.